Panel: Drivers and detractors in digital infrastructure

Panel: Drivers and detractors in digital infrastructure

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At ITW Asia 2024, the Investment Keynote Panel: Drivers and Detractors in Digital Infrastructure explored the opportunities and challenges associated with investing in digital infrastructure across the Asia-Pacific region.

Moderated by Damien Dujacquier, senior partner and head of TMT Southeast Asia at Roland Berger, the panel featured insights from leading financial and infrastructure experts: Andy Sutrisno of SMBC, Waleed Saraf of IFC, Kok-Chye Ong of Gaw Capital, and Matthew Goh of KKR.

The session covered a wide array of topics, including the growing demand for digital infrastructure, financing challenges, the evolving landscape of fibre and data centre investments, and the interplay between policy and sustainability.

Register and read the full report here: Insider Access: Panel Reports | Capacity Media

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